Surf Lessons Pricing

Retiros em destaque para SETEMBRO


6 dias com Restore Yoga Retreat - Casccais - Lisboa, Portugal

Yin, asana, sound bath, aerial Yoga - Instruído em inglês - Incluído: 6 pequeno-almoços | 3 almoços | 4 jantares

€ 1'990


1 dia com BECOMING Your Empowered Self - Lagos, Portugal

Yoga Nidra, Sound Healing - Almoço incluído - Emotional intelligence Workshop e muito mais

€ 115

Quer promover o seu retiro connosco?


Isabel Getta

United States


SOBRE Isabel Getta

Currently teaching Kaula Tantra Yoga in Vilcabamba, Ecuador. Fitness + Adventure, Hospitality, Guest Relations, Waiter / Waitress, Media Specialist, Social Media, Meditation Instructor, Yoga Teacher in Hatha and Tantra.

Hola! I am on an eternal journey of being a yogi. Yes, I can bend my body in half, do a headstand, and crow like there’s no tomorrow, but that’s only a teeny-tiny portion of what I consider “being a yogi”. I believe that every thing I do affects my mind, body, and spirit. It is all connected. I am a practicing yogi in every aspect of my life, every minute of my day, on and off the mat. I prioritize making conscious, loving decisions for my physical, mental, and spiritual health. I am 25 years old, currently living in a beautiful village in southern Ecuador. I am from the United States, but felt called to a life filled with fruits, nature, and relaxation rather than a life filled with pesticides, skyscrapers, and 9-5’s. I am 200 hour certified in Hatha and Kaula Tantra yoga, and absolutely dying to add hundreds of more hours to my resume! I also have a bachelor's degree in psychology, with a focus on child development. I have worked in multiple psychiatric hospitals, experiencing first hand the way the world is truly built for and around illness. I do not want to work in illness, I want to work in WELLNESS! My dream life involves teaching yoga, meditation, sound healing, tantra, tapping, Ayurveda, and all the other yummy, juicy things life has to offer, to children and adults. I want to teach people how to be WELL, how to live a life of wellness. I truly believe you can’t teach what you don’t practice, and experience is the mother of science, so my first step on this journey is living my personal life of wellness. I am learning new things every day, and I want to learn more. I want to share what I am learning. I want to embody what I am learning. I want to live every moment of my life as a yogi. Namaste

Nationality: United States

Languages spoken: English, Spanish

Connect: Isabelgetta


Surf Lessons Pricing


Transforme sua carreira e vida com CataTVie (Catarina Többen Vieira)

O retiro BECOMING oferece uma experiência transformadora para aqueles que desejam crescer. Muitas pessoas esquecem de pensar sobre seu verdadeiro eu por causa de vidas ocupadas. Reconecte-se com o seu coração, alma e ser num dia de transformação e auto-descoberta. Junte-se a nós no dia 21 de setembro de 2024, das 9h00 às 17h00. Este retiro foi concebido para o ajudar a realinhar-se com a sua essência interior e a encontrar clareza interior.


Todas OS MESES o melhor do Yoga Liefstyle em PORTUGAL.

Descubra, ligue-se e cresça no seio da vibrante comunidade de yoga em Portugal para retiros inesquecíveis e ligações significativas.