Surf Lessons Pricing

Retiros em destaque para SETEMBRO


6 dias com Restore Yoga Retreat - Casccais - Lisboa, Portugal

Yin, asana, sound bath, aerial Yoga - Instruído em inglês - Incluído: 6 pequeno-almoços | 3 almoços | 4 jantares

€ 1'990


1 dia com BECOMING Your Empowered Self - Lagos, Portugal

Yoga Nidra, Sound Healing - Almoço incluído - Emotional intelligence Workshop e muito mais

€ 115

Quer promover o seu retiro connosco?


Dean Smith

United States


SOBRE Dean Smith

Dean is a full-time yoga teacher in search of opportunities to teach overseas. He is also an entrepreneur, freelancer, and has a passion for fitness and adventure, particularly in calisthenics and primal movement. In addition to being a meditation instructor, Dean is experienced in various styles of yoga such as Hatha, Kundalini, Power/Hot, Pranayama, Prenatal, Restorative, and Vinyasa.

Dean's yoga journey began in 2016 when a friend introduced him to a yoga class after giving up boxing. Since then, he has been a dedicated student and teacher, continually exploring and studying various paths of yoga for personal growth. With over 800 hours of study, including 500 hours in Hatha/Vinyasa, 200 hours in Kundalini, and 100 hours in prenatal yoga, Dean's main teaching style is a blend of Hatha/Vinyasa known as "Strength & Spirit." He is known for incorporating corrective exercises, modifications, and adjustments to ensure optimal poses for his students, as he is passionate about anatomy and alignment.

Dean's main goal is to connect with people and share his gifts to spread light in the universe. He strives to keep an open heart for opportunities to spread and share light and offers classes that focus on meditation and pranayama, in addition to his signature "Strength & Spirit" style of yoga. Dean's nationality is United States, and he is fluent in English.

You can connect with Dean on mindful_motion_yoga.

Surf Lessons Pricing


Transforme sua carreira e vida com CataTVie (Catarina Többen Vieira)

O retiro BECOMING oferece uma experiência transformadora para aqueles que desejam crescer. Muitas pessoas esquecem de pensar sobre seu verdadeiro eu por causa de vidas ocupadas. Reconecte-se com o seu coração, alma e ser num dia de transformação e auto-descoberta. Junte-se a nós no dia 21 de setembro de 2024, das 9h00 às 17h00. Este retiro foi concebido para o ajudar a realinhar-se com a sua essência interior e a encontrar clareza interior.


Todas OS MESES o melhor do Yoga Liefstyle em PORTUGAL.

Descubra, ligue-se e cresça no seio da vibrante comunidade de yoga em Portugal para retiros inesquecíveis e ligações significativas.