Surf Lessons Pricing

Retiros em destaque para SETEMBRO


6 dias com Restore Yoga Retreat - Casccais - Lisboa, Portugal

Yin, asana, sound bath, aerial Yoga - Instruído em inglês - Incluído: 6 pequeno-almoços | 3 almoços | 4 jantares

€ 1'990


1 dia com BECOMING Your Empowered Self - Lagos, Portugal

Yoga Nidra, Sound Healing - Almoço incluído - Emotional intelligence Workshop e muito mais

€ 115

Quer promover o seu retiro connosco?


Dawn Garcia

US - California


SOBRE Dawn Garcia

Dawn has been enthusiastically studying holistic healing modalities since graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing in 1992. Her journey led her to Healing Touch in 1995 and she has been a dedicated student of energy medicine ever since. This includes studying Tai Chi, getting a diploma in Homeopathy, and becoming a Reiki Practitioner. She became Board Certified Holistic Nursing in 2004, and in that same year was introduced to yoga while pregnant with her first child. By the summer of 2011 the healing power of yoga had transformed her life. It was then that she devoted herself to deepening her knowledge of yoga as an approach to health by uniting the body with the mind, heart, and spirit. Her passion for yoga led her to the Living Yoga Teacher Training with Kat Seltzer where she graduated from the 200 hr. program as a Registered Yoga Teacher. Dawn has a beautiful and dedicated practice, and weaves yoga into the very fabric of her life. It is now her mission to empower others on their own transformational journey to wholeness.


- I am currently enrolled in a second 200 hr yoga teacher training specializing in Kundalini Yoga.

- Fitness + Adventure

- Snow

- Healer

- Allopathic

- Energy

- Homeopathic

- Reiki

- Sound

- Yoga Teacher

- Restorative

- Vinyasa

Nationality: US - California

Languages spoken: English


Surf Lessons Pricing


Transforme sua carreira e vida com CataTVie (Catarina Többen Vieira)

O retiro BECOMING oferece uma experiência transformadora para aqueles que desejam crescer. Muitas pessoas esquecem de pensar sobre seu verdadeiro eu por causa de vidas ocupadas. Reconecte-se com o seu coração, alma e ser num dia de transformação e auto-descoberta. Junte-se a nós no dia 21 de setembro de 2024, das 9h00 às 17h00. Este retiro foi concebido para o ajudar a realinhar-se com a sua essência interior e a encontrar clareza interior.


Todas OS MESES o melhor do Yoga Liefstyle em PORTUGAL.

Descubra, ligue-se e cresça no seio da vibrante comunidade de yoga em Portugal para retiros inesquecíveis e ligações significativas.